AT Thru-Hike, 1997

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Introduction note: Over ten years ago on March 22nd, 1997 I began a 200-day adventure to completely thru-hike the Appalachian Trail. I began at the southern terminus on Springer Mountain in Georgia and finished on October 7th atop Mount Katahdin in Maine. This being the 10th anniversary year of my thru-hike, I was feeling quite nostalgic and decided to post my trail log and photos on this website. Getting the log online was made considerably easier by my wife's efforts years ago to publish my log. The photos however, were a different story. Digital cameras were in their infancy ten years ago which meant all my photos were taken on 35mm film. I scanned all of these photos for inclusion here, but the quality suffered from this process. I apologize for the contrast issues in some photos and the general dullness of color, but they still make a valuable addition to reading this trail journal. I hope you enjoy my account. Feel free to contact me with any questions about this endeavor. You can find answers to all of your general questions at the ATC (Appalachian Trail Conservancy) in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

Joe Lustik (aka Bigfoot) December 1st, 2007

Days Miles Page
1 - 8 1 - 65


9 - 18 66 - 163 North Carolina
19 - 24 164 - 234 Smoky Mountains National Park
25 - 33 235 - 325 North Carolina/Tennessee [1]
34 - 42 326 - 452 North Carolina/Tennessee [2]
43 - 55 453 - 614 Virginia [1]
56 - 67 615 - 752 Virginia [2]
68 - 74 753 - 835 Virginia [3]
75 - 81 836 - 942 Shenandoah National Park
82 - 86 943 - 996

Virginia [4]

87 - 91 997 - 1036 West Virginia/Maryland
92 - 107 -----------------


108 - 120 1037 - 1181 Pennsylvania [1]
121 - 128 1182 - 1281 Pennsylvania [2]
129 - 132 1282 - 1350 New Jersey
133 - 138 1351 - 1441 New York
139 - 141 1442 - 1488 Connecticut
142 - 150 1489 - 1575 Massachusetts
151 - 160 1576 - 1718 Vermont
161 - 177 1719 - 1888 New Hampshire
178 - 189 1889 - 2020 Maine [1]
190 - 200 2021 - 2160.2 Maine [2]

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If you have any questions about this website or want to contact Christine or Joe for any reason, please email us at or